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Black Mamba Tomato


Black Mamba Tomato

This is a tomato stabilized by the late Millard Murdock. It was a cross that naturally happened in his garden between an unknown black tomato and Lucky Cross Tomato. This is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that is good producer of these black tomatoes. They have a weight range from 8 ounces up to 16 ounces. So, be sure to stake your plant well. These are a meaty tomato with a complex flavor that leaves you wanting more. It combines sweetness with a richness along with a smokey flavor. A great tomato for slicing, sauces, or canning. If you like Black Mamba Tomato, you may like Lady Brown Tomato. Be sure to check out all our breeder tomato reviews on our YouTube channel.

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Black Mamba Tomato

This is a tomato stabilized by the late Millard Murdock. It was a cross that naturally happened in his garden between an unknown black tomato and Lucky Cross Tomato. This is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that is good producer of these black tomatoes. They have a weight range from 8 ounces up to 16 ounces. So, be sure to stake your plant well. These are a meaty tomato with a complex flavor that leaves you wanting more. It combines sweetness with a richness along with a smokey flavor. A great tomato for slicing, sauces, or canning. If you like Black Mamba Tomato, you may like Lady Brown Tomato. Be sure to check out all our breeder tomato reviews on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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