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Dwarf Deaton’s Tomato


Dwarf Deaton’s Tomato

This tomato was developed by The Dwarf Tomato Project. It was created from crossing Dwarf Kangaroo Paw Yellow Tomato and Grozny 91 Tomato. A mid-season tomato plant that gets around 3 feet tall with regular rugose leaves. An indeterminate variety which will produce until the frost comes if taken care of. These are great for farmers market because of the amount of fruits they produce. Be sure to stake your plants well, or they will topple over. Being a dwarf tomato plant, these will do very well in containers too. A well-balanced fruit with a sweet but tart taste. These tomatoes could be used for fresh eating, salads, slicing, or garnishes. Be sure to check out our review of Dwarf Deaton‘s Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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Dwarf Deaton’s Tomato

This tomato was developed by The Dwarf Tomato Project. It was created from crossing Dwarf Kangaroo Paw Yellow Tomato and Grozny 91 Tomato. A mid-season tomato plant that gets around 3 feet tall with regular rugose leaves. An indeterminate variety which will produce until the frost comes if taken care of. These are great for farmers market because of the amount of fruits they produce. Be sure to stake your plants well, or they will topple over. Being a dwarf tomato plant, these will do very well in containers too. A well-balanced fruit with a sweet but tart taste. These tomatoes could be used for fresh eating, salads, slicing, or garnishes. Be sure to check out our review of Dwarf Deaton‘s Tomato on our YouTube channel.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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