Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato


Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato

Another great tomato created by The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was one of the result between the crossing of Golden Dwarf Champion and Green Giant tomatoes. A mid to late season variety with rugose potato leaf foliage. This indeterminate type is a heavy yielding plant, so be sure to stake your plants well. They produce these large white beefsteak fruits, weighing from 6oz to 10oz. Some tomatoes will have a pink blush at the bottom and in the flesh when fully ripe. Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato has a nice balance with a light bit of acidity. An excellent slicing, garnish, and market tomato. Check out our review of this tomato and other White Tomatoes on our YouTube Channel. You maybe interested in Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato too.


Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato

Another great tomato created by The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was one of the result between the crossing of Golden Dwarf Champion and Green Giant tomatoes. A mid to late season variety with rugose potato leaf foliage. This indeterminate type is a heavy yielding plant, so be sure to stake your plants well. They produce these large white beefsteak fruits, weighing from 6oz to 10oz. Some tomatoes will have a pink blush at the bottom and in the flesh when fully ripe. Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato has a nice balance with a light bit of acidity. An excellent slicing, garnish, and market tomato. Check out our review of this tomato and other White Tomatoes on our YouTube Channel. You maybe interested in Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato too.