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Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato


Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato

Another excellent tomato by The Dwarf Tomato Project. Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato was the results from crossing New Big Dwarf and Paul Robeson tomatoes. These we very popular with customers at the farmers markets, we also absolutely loved this tomato too. A mid-season plant with regular rugose leaves. Also, a heavy producing indeterminate variety of these chocolate colored beauties. Be sure to stake your plants well or your plants will snap under the weights of these fruits. They have a superb, rich flavor and makes a fantastic slicing tomato. This could also be used for canning or add too sauces to add a richness taste. Another tomato, you may also like, would be Dwarf Black Angus Tomato. Bes sure to check out our YouTube channel. We have hundreds of dwarf tomato reviews over there.

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Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato

Another excellent tomato by The Dwarf Tomato Project. Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato was the results from crossing New Big Dwarf and Paul Robeson tomatoes. These we very popular with customers at the farmers markets, we also absolutely loved this tomato too. A mid-season plant with regular rugose leaves. Also, a heavy producing indeterminate variety of these chocolate colored beauties. Be sure to stake your plants well or your plants will snap under the weights of these fruits. They have a superb, rich flavor and makes a fantastic slicing tomato. This could also be used for canning or add too sauces to add a richness taste. Another tomato, you may also like, would be Dwarf Black Angus Tomato. Bes sure to check out our YouTube channel. We have hundreds of dwarf tomato reviews over there.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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