Dwarf Purple Heart Tomato
Developed by Dwarf Tomato Project a cross between Dwarf Wild Fred Tomato and Brad’s Black Heart Tomato made by Vince Lavallo. This is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. A determinate variety that will produce for 4 to 6 weeks and thenĀ be done for the season. But these plants yield a lot of fruits in that short amount of time. An excellent tomato for farmer markets. These black fruits can weigh from 6ounces up to 16 ounces and sometimes more than 1 pound. They are juicy with a well-balanced flavor. A great tomato that could be used for slicing, banning, or sauces. If you like Dwarf Purple Heart Tomato, you may like Purple Reign Dwarf Tomato. Be sure to check our YouTube channel.
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