Low Acidic Tomatoes – You Be The Judge

Low Acidic Tomatoes – You Be The Judge
The reason for this topic is some say there is no such thing as a low acidic tomato. While others say there are low acidic tomatoes. Below we will be posting a few links with descriptions. This way you can see where you would stand on this subject, if there is such a thing as a low acidic tomato or not.
What Is Considered Acidity
Acidity is based on a ph scale. On the ph scale, 7 is neutral. Anything below 7 is considered acidic. A number above 7 is considered alkaline. All tomato have an acidity value that can range from 3.9 to 5.0 on the ph scale. The ph can differ for each tomato. A lot depends on the strain, growing conditions, soil, water, and what you are feeding your tomatoes. So, just based on this information you may say ok there is no such thing as a low acidic tomato. But, what I could find for the USDA and food for meat and poultry (link below). If these foods had a ph of 4.6 it would be considered low acidity.
Why Universities and People Say Their Are Low Acidic Tomatoes
Why people and Universities say there are low acidic tomatoes. Back to growing conditions, soil, water, feeding, and also ripeness when you pick are still a factor. But you also have other factors involved, not just acidity. Tomatoes have many compounds to them. Below we will add 3 links, 2 are from universities about low acidic tomatoes. Lastly, a link is from the National Library of Medicine about the different compounds in a tomato.
Our Opinion On Low Acidic Tomatoes
For us here at Bounty Hunter Seeds, we do use the term low acidic tomatoes. The reasons we use this term because too many factors come into play. First we will start out with, all tomatoes are acidic by ph and have a ph under 7.0. Yes, the ph 3.9 to 5.0 is standard in all tomatoes. But it’s not as black and white when you start adding in the different compounds, the tomato has. These compounds can neutralize the acid and the effects it has on our bodies. It also seems a good many low acidic tomatoes tend to be yellow or white in color. But there are always exceptions to that as well.
But where the differences come in, for example, is if a tomato is higher in sugar and/or magnesium. A way to look at this would be if you have acid indigestion/heart burn. How do you get rid of this symptom. Most people would take tums an (anti-acid), which is calcium plus other things. Or like Walmart sells their own brand equate for indigestion. On the side of the botte it has acid reducer for indigestion. So with these products you just raised the calcium level in your body to neutralize the acid in your throat and stomach. You still have the acid in your body.
Most people who know me or watched our videos on YouTube knows I have awful acid reflux. Tomatoes with a high sugar content neutralizes the acid, and I do not have any issues with those tomatoes. This is also a trick I learned many years ago in a home remedy book. Add sugar to spaghetti sauces to cut the tomato sauce acidity. The same applies to the natural sugar content in tomatoes. Some tomatoes are higher in sugar than others, that cuts the acid. Even though both will still have an acidic ph but will be neutralized by the sugar content.
Science and Compounds of Tomatoes
So, once the combination of all these different compounds are factor into the tomato and react with each other. Also, the science that shows what compounds counteract acid. The question is now do you believe the tomatoes are still acidic or are they considered low acidity tomatoes.