The 5 Best Dwarf Tomatoes of 2022

The 5 Best Dwarf Tomatoes of 2022
In this blog, we will be listing the 5 best dwarf tomatoes we grew in 2022. These tomatoes made our this list because of production or flavor. We also base this top 5 dwarf tomatoes from customers feed back from the farmers market too. Below, we will include links to these wonderful tomatoes to make them easier to find as well.
Dss Dwarf Tomato
Dss Dwarf Tomato – A mid-late season dwarf plant with rugose potato leaves. These are indeterminate type, and it seems like production never ends until the frost comes. DSS Dwarf Tomato was one of our best producing dwarf plants this past season. They do really well at farmer’s markets due to their eye-catching outer skin. But once you try these fruits, you will be wanting more. A unique tasting tomato where it is both sweet and acidic and long-lasting. Be sure to watch our review on our YouTube Channel on this tomato.
Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato
Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato – A late season dwarf tomato variety with potato rugose leaves. Also, an indeterminate plant which produces these large oblate beefsteak tomatoes that can weigh over 1 pound (ca. 454 gram). They are a very juicy tomato that is sweet with no acidity. A great tomato to take to farmers markets because of the production and taste. These can be used as a slicer too. Be sure to head on over to our YouTube Channel to see our review of Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato.
Dwarf Caitydid Tomato
Dwarf Caitydid Tomato – A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. This is an indeterminate (tree type) dwarf that produces these large bicolored beefsteak tomatoes. Being a dwarf, this plant would be great for containers too if you’re limited on space. They will range in weight from 7 oz-14oz. These have an excellent sweet and fruity flavor with no acidity. Dwarf Caitydid Tomato would be great to use as a slicing, sandwich, or canning fruit. Be sure to check out our review of this tomato and many others on YouTube.
Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato
Dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato – These were very popular with customers at the farmers markets, we also absolutely loved this tomato too. A mid-season plant with regular rugose leaves. Also, a heavy producing indeterminate variety of these chocolate colored beauties. Be sure to stake your plants well or your plants will snap under the weights of these fruits. They have a superb, rich flavor and makes a fantastic slicing tomato. This could also be used for canning or add too sauces to add a richness taste.
Electric Pinky Dwarf Tomato
Electric Pinky Dwarf Tomato – A mid to late season dwarf tomato with regular roguse leaves. The plants do not grow very tall, only reaching about 3–4 feet tall, this makes them great for container gardens too. An indeterminate type which produces these pink elongated pear shaped tomatoes with golden stripes. They have a weight range from 3oz (ca. 113 gram)-10oz (ca. 378 gram). This absolutely stunning tomato will draw customers to your booth at farmers markets. Once customers taste these delicious fruits, they will be wanting more. The flavor is sweet with a tad of acidity, but complex and flavorful. All around a versatile from being used for slicing, salsa, or garnishes. Be sure to head on over to YouTube to watch our review of Electric Pinky Dwarf Tomato.
Below is a link to our top 10 best dwarf tomatoes for the 2021 season.