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Radinilee Dwarf Tomato


Radinilee Dwarf Tomato

The origin of this delicious tomato is unknown. A beautiful tomato that is suitable for container gardening because they only reach a height of 4 feet tall. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. An excellent producer of these bicolored black beefsteak tomatoes. They have a weight range from 6oz to 10oz, most of ours averaged 8oz. The inside of these tomatoes are stunning with the combination of green, brown, and red coloring. Radinilee Dwarf Tomato has a more acidic forward taste which burst in your mouth at first, next it will mellow out but very flavorful. A great tomato for markets, slicing, salsas, and salads. We have a review of this dwarf tomato and many others on our YouTube Channel. Another tomato you may also like would be Dwarf Andy’s Forty Tomato.

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Radinilee Dwarf Tomato

The origin of this delicious tomato is unknown. A beautiful tomato that is suitable for container gardening because they only reach a height of 4 feet tall. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. An excellent producer of these bicolored black beefsteak tomatoes. They have a weight range from 6oz to 10oz, most of ours averaged 8oz. The inside of these tomatoes are stunning with the combination of green, brown, and red coloring. Radinilee Dwarf Tomato has a more acidic forward taste which burst in your mouth at first, next it will mellow out but very flavorful. A great tomato for markets, slicing, salsas, and salads. We have a review of this dwarf tomato and many others on our YouTube Channel. Another tomato you may also like would be Dwarf Andy’s Forty Tomato.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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