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Sun Queen Tomato


Sun Queen Tomato

This is a rare tomato variety that was a cross between Queen of the Night Tomato and Orange Russian 117 Tomato. These tomatoes maybe unstable and some variations may occur next year. It is a late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that will keep producing until frost comes if you take care of your plants. They produce these gorgeous blue and white beefsteak tomatoes. Be sure they get the a lot of sunlight to bring out the blue antho coloring. The weights can range in size from 6oz up to 8oz. A meaty tomato that is juicy and well-balanced in flavor. An excellent fruit for slicing, garnishes, and deli trays. These beautiful tomatoes will be great colorful addition to any dish. If you like Sun Queen Tomato, you may like Sart Roloise Tomato. Be sure to check out our tomato reviews on our YouTube channel.


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Sun Queen Tomato

This is a rare tomato variety that was a cross between Queen of the Night Tomato and Orange Russian 117 Tomato. These tomatoes maybe unstable and some variations may occur next year. It is a late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that will keep producing until frost comes if you take care of your plants. They produce these gorgeous blue and white beefsteak tomatoes. Be sure they get the a lot of sunlight to bring out the blue antho coloring. The weights can range in size from 6oz up to 8oz. A meaty tomato that is juicy and well-balanced in flavor. An excellent fruit for slicing, garnishes, and deli trays. These beautiful tomatoes will be great colorful addition to any dish. If you like Sun Queen Tomato, you may like Sart Roloise Tomato. Be sure to check out our tomato reviews on our YouTube channel.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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