Black Pear Tomato
This is a mid to late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. Everyone has the potato leaf version listed, except Dave’s Garden has a Regular Leaf version listed. Dave’s has this listed as an open pollinated, but he put it on his site almost 20 years. It is most likely classified as an heirloom now like the other vendors have it posted as. It is an indeterminate variety that is a good producer of these black pear shaped fruits. They range in weight from 5-8oz. Â This tomato originates from Russia. It is similar to Japanese Black Trifele Tomato. These have a sweet, complex, well-balanced taste to them. They would be excellent for canning, sauces, or salads. Also, disease and crack resistant. If you like Black Pear Tomato, you may also like Black Svart Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
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