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Container Tomatoes

Container Tomatoes

We offer a wonderful collection of container tomatoes. These tomatoes are great to grow in containers on your deck or patio. They have been bred so the plants will not get too tall. The container sizes recommended for these tomato plant range from 3 to 5 gallon containers. This gives the plants enough room to grow in the containers with out getting to tall. The fruit sizes range from cherry size up to beefsteaks.

Some of our most popular varieties include Aftershock, Dean’s Black Dwarf, Brandy Fred Dwarf, Dwarf Mahogany, The Fuzz Dwarf, and Dwarf Suz’s Beauty.

Also, check out our YouTube Channel- Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More. Please be sure to like, tag, share, and follow if you like our content.

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Happy Growing!!

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