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Ace 55 Tomato


Ace 55 Tomato

This is an heirloom tomato that dates back to 1964. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. These are a determinate variety that will produce fruits for 4 to 6 weeks, then will be done producing. In this time period they yield loads of tomatoes. They are a disease and crack resistant variety. This type could be grown in containers as well. They will have a weight range from 10 ounces up to 14 ounces. A flavorful fruit but is lower in acidity, especially for a red tomato. They could be used for slicing and canning. If you like this tomato, you may like Abe Lincoln Tomato. We also have a review of Ace 55 Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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Ace 55 Tomato

This is an heirloom tomato that dates back to 1964. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. These are a determinate variety that will produce fruits for 4 to 6 weeks, then will be done producing. In this time period they yield loads of tomatoes. They are a disease and crack resistant variety. This type could be grown in containers as well. They will have a weight range from 10 ounces up to 14 ounces. A flavorful fruit but is lower in acidity, especially for a red tomato. They could be used for slicing and canning. If you like this tomato, you may like Abe Lincoln Tomato. We also have a review of Ace 55 Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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