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Candy Sweet Large Tomato


Candy Sweet Large Tomato

We discovered this tomato growing amongst our Candy Sweet Icicle Tomato plants. We named this Candy Sweet Large Tomato because they look and taste like Candy Sweet Icicle. They are a bit larger with more of a globe shape to them. This is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. An indeterminate variety which produce loads of these 1oz  to 3oz round tomatoes. We included a picture below to compare both varieties. These have a sweet and mellow taste and would be great for fresh eating, salads, or garnishes. If you like sweet tasting tomato, be sure to check out Lemon Lean Tomato. Also visit our YouTube channel for other salad tomatoes.

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Candy Sweet Large Tomato

We discovered this tomato growing amongst our Candy Sweet Icicle Tomato plants. We named this Candy Sweet Large Tomato because they look and taste like Candy Sweet Icicle. They are a bit larger with more of a globe shape to them. This is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. An indeterminate variety which produce loads of these 1oz  to 3oz round tomatoes. We included a picture below to compare both varieties. These have a sweet and mellow taste and would be great for fresh eating, salads, or garnishes. If you like sweet tasting tomato, be sure to check out Lemon Lean Tomato. Also visit our YouTube channel for other salad tomatoes.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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