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Coastal Pride Red Dwarf Tomato


Coastal Pride Red Dwarf Tomato

These were created by Dan and Val McMurray of Canada. This is the rarest dwarf out of Dan and Val’s coastal dwarf lines. A mid-season tomato plant, that is an indeterminate variety, with regular rugose leaves. They are an excellent producer of these red beefsteak tomatoes, with weights ranging from 4oz to 7oz. Coastal Pride Red Dwarf Tomato can be grown in containers too if you are limited on space. The flavor of these delicious fruits are juicy with some complexity. They blend sweetness and acidity with a hint of fruitiness. If you like this tomato, you may like Coastal Pride Orange Dwarf Tomato. Be Sure to check out our review of this tomato and many others on YouTube.

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Coastal Pride Red Dwarf Tomato

These were created by Dan and Val McMurray of Canada. This is the rarest dwarf out of Dan and Val’s coastal dwarf lines. A mid-season tomato plant, that is an indeterminate variety, with regular rugose leaves. They are an excellent producer of these red beefsteak tomatoes, with weights ranging from 4oz to 7oz. Coastal Pride Red Dwarf Tomato can be grown in containers too if you are limited on space. The flavor of these delicious fruits are juicy with some complexity. They blend sweetness and acidity with a hint of fruitiness. If you like this tomato, you may like Coastal Pride Orange Dwarf Tomato. Be Sure to check out our review of this tomato and many others on YouTube.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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