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Cosmos Tomato


Cosmos Tomato

Another selection from Brad Gates of Napa Valley, California. This is an indeterminate plant that produces these antho tomatoes that have weights from 2oz to 4oz. These tomatoes have a thicker wall and skin to them. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. Make sure your plants get as much sun as possible to bring out the most blue/antho coloring you can. The flavors of Cosmos Tomato are fruity but with some acidity too. These fruits could be used for fresh eating, canning, or salads. Be sure to check out the other tomatoes we have from other Well-Known Breeders.

Clear selection


Cosmos Tomato

Another selection from Brad Gates of Napa Valley, California. This is an indeterminate plant that produces these antho tomatoes that have weights from 2oz to 4oz. These tomatoes have a thicker wall and skin to them. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. Make sure your plants get as much sun as possible to bring out the most blue/antho coloring you can. The flavors of Cosmos Tomato are fruity but with some acidity too. These fruits could be used for fresh eating, canning, or salads. Be sure to check out the other tomatoes we have from other Well-Known Breeders.

Additional information

tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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