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Crushed Heart Tomato


Crushed Heart Tomato

A gorgeous large heart shaped tomato created by Brad Gates of California. These are a heat tolerant mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. They have average yields for an indeterminate variety. These did well for us at the farmers markets because of the looks and taste. This fruit has a meaty pink flesh with a sweet flavor with not much acidity. The weights we got for Crushed Heart Tomato were between 8oz to 11oz. Make sure these tomatoes get a lot of sun to bring out more of the antho coloring. We have a review of this tomato and a lot of other Brad Gates Tomatoes on YouTube. If you like ox heart tomatoes, be sure to check out Sgt. Pepper Tomato.

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Crushed Heart Tomato

A gorgeous large heart shaped tomato created by Brad Gates of California. These are a heat tolerant mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. They have average yields for an indeterminate variety. These did well for us at the farmers markets because of the looks and taste. This fruit has a meaty pink flesh with a sweet flavor with not much acidity. The weights we got for Crushed Heart Tomato were between 8oz to 11oz. Make sure these tomatoes get a lot of sun to bring out more of the antho coloring. We have a review of this tomato and a lot of other Brad Gates Tomatoes on YouTube. If you like ox heart tomatoes, be sure to check out Sgt. Pepper Tomato.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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