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Dwarf Mystic Lady Tomato


Dwarf Mystic Lady Tomato

These meaty tomatoes were created by The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was the results of the cross they did between Summertime Gold and Sleeping Lady Dwarf tomatoes. A mid-season tomato plant with rugose potato leaves. An indeterminate variety that produce these 4 oz up to 11 oz tomatoes. Be sure to stake your plants well from the production and weight of these fruits. The flavor of these fruits are well-balanced but leans slightly to the acidic side. This tomato does well at farmers’ markets and make a great slicer too. Also, this tomato does really well in containers as well. We also have a review of Dwarf Mystic Lady Tomato on YouTube.

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Dwarf Mystic Lady Tomato

These meaty tomatoes were created by The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was the results of the cross they did between Summertime Gold and Sleeping Lady Dwarf tomatoes. A mid-season tomato plant with rugose potato leaves. An indeterminate variety that produce these 4 oz up to 11 oz tomatoes. Be sure to stake your plants well from the production and weight of these fruits. The flavor of these fruits are well-balanced but leans slightly to the acidic side. This tomato does well at farmers’ markets and make a great slicer too. Also, this tomato does really well in containers as well. We also have a review of Dwarf Mystic Lady Tomato on YouTube.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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