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Dynne Tomato


Dynne Tomato

This is a rare tomato. A late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that produces these orange tomatoes. These are also a disease resistant plant. The weights of these tomatoes can range from 6 ounces up to 12 ounces. This is a meaty tomato that is very juicy. A unique tomato with complex flavors. They start out sweet, then a few seconds later some acidity comes in. An excellent fruit for canning, slicing, and markets. If you like orange beefsteak tomatoes, you may like Amana Orange Arnica Tomato. We also have a review of Dynne Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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Dynne Tomato

This is a rare tomato. A late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that produces these orange tomatoes. These are also a disease resistant plant. The weights of these tomatoes can range from 6 ounces up to 12 ounces. This is a meaty tomato that is very juicy. A unique tomato with complex flavors. They start out sweet, then a few seconds later some acidity comes in. An excellent fruit for canning, slicing, and markets. If you like orange beefsteak tomatoes, you may like Amana Orange Arnica Tomato. We also have a review of Dynne Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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