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Hallow’s Eve Pepper


Hallow’s Eve Pepper

These are a result of a cross between Bhut Jolokia Pepper and a Pimenta De Neyde Pepper. They were created by Joker Chili Farms. This is a late season pepper plant 100+ days. They grow to be around 3 feet tall. Another good candidate for container gardens. The Scoville heat rating for these gorgeous peppers is around 1,000,000 SHU. They combine a smokey flavor with a fruity taste. These beautiful super hot peppers could be used as an ornamental, cooking, sauce, or powders. A little bit of these peppers will spice up any dish. If you like Hallow’s Eve Pepper, you may like Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion Pepper.

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Hallow’s Eve Pepper

These are a result of a cross between Bhut Jolokia Pepper and a Pimenta De Neyde Pepper. They were created by Joker Chili Farms. This is a late season pepper plant 100+ days. They grow to be around 3 feet tall. Another good candidate for container gardens. The Scoville heat rating for these gorgeous peppers is around 1,000,000 SHU. They combine a smokey flavor with a fruity taste. These beautiful super hot peppers could be used as an ornamental, cooking, sauce, or powders. A little bit of these peppers will spice up any dish. If you like Hallow’s Eve Pepper, you may like Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion Pepper.

Additional information

pepper seeds

10 seeds, 20 seeds


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