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Japanese Pink Cherry Tomato


Japanese Pink Cherry Tomato

This is a rare cherry tomato variety. It is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that is a heavy producer of these delicious pink fruits. This was one of our last producing plants of the season. Because of the production value, they would be great to supply markets and restaurants during the season. These were popular at the farmers market not only for size but flavor too. The taste of these half ounce fruits are sweet with a full flavor. A great snacking, salad, or garnishes. If you like this tomato, you may like Pink Bumblebee Tomato. We have a review of Japanese Pink Cherry Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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Japanese Pink Cherry Tomato

This is a rare cherry tomato variety. It is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that is a heavy producer of these delicious pink fruits. This was one of our last producing plants of the season. Because of the production value, they would be great to supply markets and restaurants during the season. These were popular at the farmers market not only for size but flavor too. The taste of these half ounce fruits are sweet with a full flavor. A great snacking, salad, or garnishes. If you like this tomato, you may like Pink Bumblebee Tomato. We have a review of Japanese Pink Cherry Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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