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JTD 1887 Tomato


JTD 1887 Tomato

This is a late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. It is an indeterminate variety that is also an heirloom tomato. Ours had a weight range of 3 oz. to 4 oz. in size because of garden placement. However, some say their weights range from 6 oz. to 16 oz. in size. These tasty red beefsteaks are very juicy and balanced with a slight acidic lean. They would be a great tomato for sauces, slicing, and canning. If you like this tomato, you may also like Brown’s Wanaker Tomato. We have a review of JTD 1887 Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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JTD 1887 Tomato

This is a late season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. It is an indeterminate variety that is also an heirloom tomato. Ours had a weight range of 3 oz. to 4 oz. in size because of garden placement. However, some say their weights range from 6 oz. to 16 oz. in size. These tasty red beefsteaks are very juicy and balanced with a slight acidic lean. They would be a great tomato for sauces, slicing, and canning. If you like this tomato, you may also like Brown’s Wanaker Tomato. We have a review of JTD 1887 Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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