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Lamont Sanford Orange Tomato


Lamont Sanford Orange Tomato

This was created by Dean Slater of Michigan. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. There are 2 different Lamont Sanford cherry tomatoes by Dean Slater, this is the orange version. This is an indeterminate variety that is an extremely heavy producer of these cherry tomatoes. A great tomato to take to markets or sell to restaurants because of the production and the sweet flavor. These tomatoes make an excellent for snacking on or add them to salads. We have a review of Lamont Sanford Orange Tomato on YouTube. Another orange snacking tomato you may like is WOW Cherry Tomato.

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Lamont Sanford Orange Tomato

This was created by Dean Slater of Michigan. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. There are 2 different Lamont Sanford cherry tomatoes by Dean Slater, this is the orange version. This is an indeterminate variety that is an extremely heavy producer of these cherry tomatoes. A great tomato to take to markets or sell to restaurants because of the production and the sweet flavor. These tomatoes make an excellent for snacking on or add them to salads. We have a review of Lamont Sanford Orange Tomato on YouTube. Another orange snacking tomato you may like is WOW Cherry Tomato.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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