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Marvel Stripes Tomato


Marvel Stripes Tomato

An heirloom tomato that originated from Oaxaca, Mexico. These tomatoes are a late season tomato plant with regular leaves. They are also an indeterminate type which produce these large 16oz tomatoes. Another heavy producing plant of large tomatoes that will need to be staked very well. Even though this is a late season, it is well worth the wait. They have a sweet and fruity taste to them with no acidity. These are great for markets, slicing, or garnishes. We have a review of Marvel Stripes Tomato on YouTube. If you like giant tomatoes, you may like Madison County Tomato.

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Marvel Stripes Tomato

An heirloom tomato that originated from Oaxaca, Mexico. These tomatoes are a late season tomato plant with regular leaves. They are also an indeterminate type which produce these large 16oz tomatoes. Another heavy producing plant of large tomatoes that will need to be staked very well. Even though this is a late season, it is well worth the wait. They have a sweet and fruity taste to them with no acidity. These are great for markets, slicing, or garnishes. We have a review of Marvel Stripes Tomato on YouTube. If you like giant tomatoes, you may like Madison County Tomato.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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