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Moosolini Tomato


Moosolini Tomato

Created by Blane Horton of Jackson, Mississippi. A highly productive indeterminate plant with potato leaf foliage. This is a mid-season variety that does very well for us at farmers markets. The weights of these fruits have a range from 3oz up to 8oz. They have a unique blend of sweetness with a bit of acidity, followed by some fruitiness too. These could be used as a slicer for sandwiches and vegetable trays. Plus, these could be added to sauces to add a more unique flavor. You may want to watch our review of Moosolini Tomato on YouTube. Lastly, you may also like Pinky Tuscadero Tomato by Blane Horton too.

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Moosolini Tomato

Created by Blane Horton of Jackson, Mississippi. A highly productive indeterminate plant with potato leaf foliage. This is a mid-season variety that does very well for us at farmers markets. The weights of these fruits have a range from 3oz up to 8oz. They have a unique blend of sweetness with a bit of acidity, followed by some fruitiness too. These could be used as a slicer for sandwiches and vegetable trays. Plus, these could be added to sauces to add a more unique flavor. You may want to watch our review of Moosolini Tomato on YouTube. Lastly, you may also like Pinky Tuscadero Tomato by Blane Horton too.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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