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Yellow Furry Boar Tomato


Yellow Furry Boar Tomato

These were created by Brad Gates of Napa Valley, California. A unique and different tomato due to the furry outer skin along with the taste. The flavor of these tomatoes are different also, combining sweetness and acidity with a bit of creaminess as well. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. Yellow Furry Boar Tomato is an indeterminate plant that produce these 2oz to 4oz striped beauties. These fruits sold well at the farmers markets for us. They can also be used for fresh eating, slicing, or garnishes. If you are interested in tomatoes that have a fuzzy outer skin, then check out The Fuzz Dwarf Tomato by Dean Slater.

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Yellow Furry Boar Tomato

These were created by Brad Gates of Napa Valley, California. A unique and different tomato due to the furry outer skin along with the taste. The flavor of these tomatoes are different also, combining sweetness and acidity with a bit of creaminess as well. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. Yellow Furry Boar Tomato is an indeterminate plant that produce these 2oz to 4oz striped beauties. These fruits sold well at the farmers markets for us. They can also be used for fresh eating, slicing, or garnishes. If you are interested in tomatoes that have a fuzzy outer skin, then check out The Fuzz Dwarf Tomato by Dean Slater.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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