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Muddy Waters Tomato


Muddy Waters Tomato

These were created by Tom Wagner Of Washington. Muddy Waters Tomato came out of a P 20 cross. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. This indeterminate variety produces these unique antho green tomatoes that range in weight from 1oz to 3oz. The insides are a bright neon green color that is bursting with a rich and full taste but slightly acidic. An excellent tomato for slicing, fresh eating, or canning. You may want to check out our YouTube channel for a review of this tomato and other green tomatoes. Another great tasting green tomato you may want to look at is Xanadu Green Goddess Tomato.

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Muddy Waters Tomato

These were created by Tom Wagner Of Washington. Muddy Waters Tomato came out of a P 20 cross. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. This indeterminate variety produces these unique antho  green tomatoes that range in weight from 1oz to 3oz. The insides are a bright neon green color that is bursting with a rich and full taste but slightly acidic. An excellent tomato for slicing, fresh eating, or canning. You may want to check out our YouTube channel for a review of this tomato and other green tomatoes. Another great tasting green tomato you may want to look at is Xanadu Green Goddess Tomato.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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