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Nicholas Doochov Tomato


Nicholas Doochov Tomato

This heirloom tomato is from Ruslan Doochov of Ukraine. His family’s been farming for 4 generations. An early to mid-season variety with regular leaves. An indeterminate tomato plant that produce these red beefsteak tomatoes. Some say they have gotten weights between 10oz to 14oz. Ours were in the range of 4oz to 8oz. The flavor is mild with not much acid, especially for a red tomato. Nicholas Doochov Tomato could be used as a slicer, garnish, canning, or make a mild sauce with them. A very popular tomato by Ruslan Doochov we have you may like is Blue Pear Tomato. Be sure to visit our YouTube channel.

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Nicholas Doochov Tomato

This heirloom tomato is from Ruslan Doochov of Ukraine. His family’s been farming for 4 generations. An early to mid-season variety with regular leaves. An indeterminate tomato plant that produce these red beefsteak tomatoes. Some say they have gotten weights between 10oz to 14oz. Ours were in the range of 4oz to 8oz. The flavor is mild with not much acid, especially for a red tomato. Nicholas Doochov Tomato could be used as a slicer, garnish, canning, or make a mild sauce with them. A very popular tomato by Ruslan Doochov we have you may like is Blue Pear Tomato. Be sure to visit our YouTube channel.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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