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T-Rex Yellow Pepper


T-Rex Yellow Pepper

It is a late season pepper plants at a 100+ days. They get to be around 3 feet tall. An excellent variety for container gardens. They are are a good producer of these long but narrow peppers. The Scoville heat rating for these bright yellow pods is over 1,000,000 SHU. A great addition to any garden if you like peppers. The flavor is fruity and citrusy but hot. A great pepper to be used for sauces, cooking, ornamental, or powders, It does not take much of this pepper to add heat to dishes. If you like T-Rex Yellow Pepper. you may like Bahamian Goat Pepper.

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T-Rex Yellow Pepper

It is a late season pepper plants at a 100+ days. They get to be around 3 feet tall. An excellent variety for container gardens. They are are a good producer of these long but narrow peppers. The Scoville heat rating for these bright yellow pods is over 1,000,000 SHU. A great addition to any garden if you like peppers. The flavor is fruity and citrusy but hot. A great pepper to be used for sauces, cooking, ornamental, or powders, It does not take much of this pepper to add heat to dishes. If you like T-Rex Yellow Pepper. you may like Bahamian Goat Pepper.

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pepper seeds

10 seeds, 20 seeds


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