Tanager Dwarf Tomato


Tanager Dwarf Tomato

These tomatoes were developed by The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was discovered when they were working with Dwarf Goldfinch Tomato. A late season tomato plant (85 days) with rugose potato leaf foliage. It is a determinate type, which produce 6 ounce to 10 ounce slicing tomatoes. Another great tomato for container gardens as well. The flavor is intense, tart, and fruity. This could be used for sandwiches, cooking, or garnishes. If you like this tomato, you may like Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato. We also have a review of Tanager Dwarf Tomato on our YouTube channel


Tanager Dwarf Tomato

These tomatoes were developed by The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was discovered when they were working with Dwarf Goldfinch Tomato. A late season tomato plant (85 days) with rugose potato leaf foliage. It is a determinate type, which produce 6 ounce to 10 ounce slicing tomatoes. Another great tomato for container gardens as well. The flavor is intense, tart, and fruity. This could be used for sandwiches, cooking, or garnishes. If you like this tomato, you may like Dwarf Mr. Snow Tomato. We also have a review of Tanager Dwarf Tomato on our YouTube channel.