Yummy Sammich Bicolored Tomato


Yummy Sammich Bicolored Tomato

We discovered this bicolored tomato growing amongst our other Yummy Sammich Tomato plants. We are unsure of the stability. These are a mid-season variety with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that is an average producer. They do not produce as much as the red version. Being an indeterminate type if you take care of your plants, they will keep producing until the frost comes. They weight of these gorgeous fruits will be around 12 oz. in size. These tomatoes are very meaty with a sweet flavor. An excellent tomato for slicing, canning, and sauces. If you like Yummy Sammich Bicolored Tomato, you may like Beauty of the Surf Dwarf Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.


Yummy Sammich Bicolored Tomato

We discovered this bicolored tomato growing amongst our other Yummy Sammich Tomato plants. We are unsure of the stability. These are a mid-season variety with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that is an average producer. They do not produce as much as the red version. Being an indeterminate type if you take care of your plants, they will keep producing until the frost comes. They weight of these gorgeous fruits will be around 12 oz. in size. These tomatoes are very meaty with a sweet flavor. An excellent tomato for slicing, canning, and sauces. If you like Yummy Sammich Bicolored Tomato, you may like Beauty of the Surf Dwarf Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.