Hunk Papa Tomato
This was created by Bill Jeffers. This is a Midseason, Potato Leaf variety. This tomato is in my top 10 for this year on flavor, production and size. I have to say I messed up and forgot to get more pictures of this awesome fruit this season because how busy I was. The pictures I posted were from the first ones that came in that were not the greatest pictures but wanted to show the bicolored and the weight and that was one of the smallest one just a little over a pound. You will not be disappointed in this tomato. These are a very heavy producing bicolored tomato by size weighing 1 pound and over. Be sure to stake your plants well because of the weights and the number of fruits these plant give you. The taste is superb well balanced, rich and very meaty. Makes for a awesome slicer for sandwiches or canning also a great market seller. (20 seeds)