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Big Rainbow Tomato


Big Rainbow Tomato

Big Rainbow Tomato is a late season tomato plant that is disease resistant with regular leaves. An indeterminate variety that produces these large yellow and red tomatoes. The yellow and red colors are not only on the outside, but carry through to the inside flesh too. These heirloom tomatoes will have a weight range from 14oz (ca. 529 gram) to 20oz (ca. 756 gram), some fruits may get up to 2 pounds (ca. 907 gram). They are a very meaty tomato that is juicy with a sweet and fruity flavor. A great tomato which would make an excellent slicer for sandwiches and vegetable trays. Another which closely resembles this tomato with about the same looks and flavor would be Gold Medal Tomato. We apologize for not having pictures for this tomato. Somehow we lost the pictures we took of this tomato.

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Big Rainbow Tomato

Big Rainbow Tomato is a late season tomato plant that is disease resistant with regular leaves. An indeterminate variety that produces these large yellow and red tomatoes. The yellow and red colors are not only on the outside, but carry through to the inside flesh too. These heirloom tomatoes will have a weight range from 14oz (ca. 529 gram) to 20oz (ca. 756 gram), some fruits may get up to 2 pounds (ca. 907 gram). They are a very meaty tomato that is juicy with a sweet and fruity flavor. A great tomato which would make an excellent slicer for sandwiches and vegetable trays. Another tomato which closely resembles this tomato with about the same looks and flavor would be Gold Medal Tomato. We apologize for not having pictures for this tomato. Somehow we lost the pictures we took of this tomato.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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