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Blue Fruit Tomato


Blue Fruit Tomato

This a mid-season heirloom tomato plant with potato leaves. Also, an indeterminate plant which produce excellent yields of these 8 oz -14 oz tomatoes until the frost comes. Be sure to stake your plants well, so you do not lose any of these beauties by snapping branches. These fruits are a bicolored, black/blue beefsteak tomato. The flavors to beautiful fruits are unique and complexed, being both sweet and rich. They make great a slicer for sandwiches and trays. But these could be used for garnish or in sauces. If you like Blue Fruit Tomato, you might also like Gary O Sena Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel.

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Blue Fruit Tomato

This a mid-season heirloom tomato plant with potato leaves. Also, an indeterminate plant which produce excellent yields of these 8 oz -14 oz tomatoes until the frost comes. Be sure to stake your plants well, so you do not lose any of these beauties by snapping branches. These fruits are a bicolored, black/blue beefsteak tomato. The flavors to beautiful fruits are unique and complexed, being both sweet and rich. They make great a slicer for sandwiches and trays. But these could be used for garnish or in sauces. If you like Blue Fruit Tomato, you might also like Gary O Sena Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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