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Cherokee Tiger Large Tomato


Cherokee Tiger Large Tomato

This tomato was created by Bill Jeffers of Indiana. These were a result of a cross Bill did between Tigrette Tomato and Cherokee Purple Tomato. A great producing dwarf tomato with lime green leaves. They would be great for container/patio garden since they only grow to be about 3 feet tall. This is a mid-season/late season variety and is a semi determinate tomato plant. The reason for saying semi determinate would be because they produced loads of tomatoes for a few weeks in the middle of the season, they stopped like a determinate variety. Then later in the season these started producing again, but not as much as in the beginning. The flavor is rich and smooth that make an excellent slicing tomato. These were also very popular at our farmer’s market too. We also have a review of this tomato on our YouTube Channel. If you like Cherokee Tiger Large Tomato, you may also like Dwarf Suz‘s Beauty Tomato.

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Cherokee Tiger Large Tomato

This tomato was created by Bill Jeffers of Indiana. These were a result of a cross Bill did between Tigrette Tomato and Cherokee Purple Tomato. A great producing dwarf tomato with lime green leaves. They would be great for container/patio garden since they only grow to be about 3 feet tall. This is a mid-season/late season variety and is a semi determinate tomato plant. The reason for saying semi determinate would be because they produced loads of tomatoes for a few weeks in the middle of the season, they stopped like a determinate variety. Then later in the season these started producing again, but not as much as in the beginning. The flavor is rich and smooth that make an excellent slicing tomato. These were also very popular at our farmer’s market too. We also have a review of this tomato on our YouTube Channel. If you like Cherokee Tiger Large Tomato, you may also like Dwarf Suz‘s Beauty Tomato.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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