Crovarese Tomato


Crovarese Tomato

This is a mid-season tomato plant (70–75 days) with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that produce loads of these red tomatoes. This plant will produce up until frost time if you take care of your plants. The weights will range from half an ounce up to 1 ounce. These are a great tomato for farmers markets. They would also be good for salads and salsas. The flavor of these delicious fruits are sweet and tangy with a long-lasting taste. If you like cherry tomatoes, you may like Randy’s Cherry Bomb Tomato. We also have a review of Crovarese Tomato on our YouTube channel.


Crovarese Tomato

This is a mid-season tomato plant (70–75 days) with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety that produce loads of these red tomatoes. This plant will produce up until frost time if you take care of your plants. The weights will range from half an ounce up to 1 ounce. These are a great tomato for farmers markets. They would also be good for salads and salsas. The flavor of these delicious fruits are sweet and tangy with a long-lasting taste. If you like cherry tomatoes, you may like Randy’s Cherry Bomb Tomato. We also have a review of Crovarese Tomato on our YouTube channel.