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Napa Rose Tomato


Napa Rose Tomato

These were developed by Brad Gates of California. An early to mid-season variety with regular wispy leaves. Also, this is an indeterminate plant which produces loads of these pink cherry tomatoes. They are very juicy, bursting with both sweetness and acidity. If we had to choose, they lean slightly more to the acidic side. An excellent tomato to take to farmers markets. These would also be great as a snacking fruit or to add to your salads. Be sure to check out our review of Napa Rose Tomato on YouTube. Also, if you like cherry tomatoes, be sure to check out Apple of Peru Tomato too.

Clear selection


Napa Rose Tomato

These were developed by Brad Gates of California. An early to mid-season variety with regular wispy leaves. Also, this is an indeterminate plant which produces loads of these pink cherry tomatoes. They are very juicy, bursting with both sweetness and acidity. If we had to choose, they lean slightly more to the acidic side. An excellent tomato to take to farmers markets. These would also be great as a snacking fruit or to add to your salads. Be sure to check out our review of Napa Rose Tomato on YouTube. Also, if you like cherry tomatoes, be sure to check out Apple of Peru Tomato too.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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