D.B. Cooper Tomato


D.B. Cooper Tomato

This tomato was selected and stabilized by Millard Murdock of East Flat Rock, North Carolina, USA. It’s a cross between Mariannas Peace and an unknown black tomato. A Potato Leaf tomato plant, which is also an indeterminate type. These are a mid-season variety that are very productive. They produce these large black tomatoes with weights from 12oz to 20oz. A great, well-balanced old-timey flavor, rich and smoky as well. D.B. Cooper is the name of the unidentified man who Hi-Jacked a plane back on November 24, 1971, and was never found or caught. The government has finally shut down the case investigation in 2016. If you like this tomato, you will like Stutzman Black Tomato. Be sure to check out our review of D.B. Cooper Tomato on our YouTube channel.


D.B. Cooper Tomato

This tomato was selected and stabilized by Millard Murdock of East Flat Rock, North Carolina, USA. It’s a cross between Mariannas Peace and an unknown black tomato. A potato leaf tomato plant, which is also an indeterminate type. These are a mid-season variety that are very productive. They produce these large black tomatoes with weights from 12oz to 20oz. A great, well-balanced old-timey flavor, rich and smoky as well. D.B. Cooper is the name of the unidentified man who Hi-Jacked a plane back on November 24, 1971, and was never found or caught. The government has finally shut down the case investigation in 2016. If you like this tomato, you will like Stutzman Black Tomato. Be sure to check out our review of D.B. Cooper Tomato on our YouTube channel.