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Dirty Little Chicken Tomato


Dirty Little Chicken Tomato

These were created by Dean Slater of Michigan and released back in 2017. This is a mid-season dwarf plant with regular leaves. But this is a larger dwarf plant, reaching heights between 4 feet to 5 feet. Also, an indeterminate variety that will keep producing these 3oz to 10oz beefsteak tomatoes. The flavor is well-balanced sweet with lower acidity. These are good as a slicer for sandwiches, garnish, and even canning tomatoes. If you like Dirty Little Chicken Tomato, you may also like Delta Diver Dwarf Tomato. Be sure to visit our YouTube Channel to see a review of this tomato and many other tomatoes.

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Dirty Little Chicken Tomato

These were created by Dean Slater of Michigan and released back in 2017. This is a mid-season dwarf plant with regular leaves. But this is a larger dwarf plant, reaching heights between 4 feet to 5 feet. Also, an indeterminate variety that will keep producing these 3oz to 10oz beefsteak tomatoes. The flavor is well-balanced sweet with lower acidity. These are good as a slicer for sandwiches, garnish, and even canning tomatoes. If you like Dirty Little Chicken Tomato, you may also like Delta Diver Dwarf Tomato. Be sure to visit our YouTube Channel to see a review of this tomato and many other tomatoes.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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