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Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato


Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato

This tomato was a cross between Dwarf Kangaroo Paw Brown and Purple Russian by The Dwarf Tomato Project. These are a late season tomato plant with regular rugose leaves. An excellent variety for container gardens because they only get to be 2 feet to 3 feet tall. Be sure to stake your plants well. This is a heavy producing plant. They yield these black, delicious fruits with weights from 2 to 7 ounces. These are rich in flavor but sweet and fruity too. Some of this tomato could be canning, fresh eating, and farmer markets. Be sure to check out our review of Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato on our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.

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Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato

This tomato was a cross between Dwarf Kangaroo Paw Brown and Purple Russian by The Dwarf Tomato Project. These are a late season tomato plant with regular rugose leaves. An excellent variety for container gardens because they only get to be 2 feet to 3 feet tall. Be sure to stake your plants well. This is a heavy producing plant. They yield these black, delicious fruits with weights from 2 to 7 ounces. These are rich in flavor but sweet and fruity too. Some of this tomato could be canning, fresh eating, and farmer markets. Be sure to check out our review of Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato on our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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