Dwarf Bendigo Blush Tomato
These were created by The Dwarf Tomato Project. They created these by crossing their Sleepy line with Snow White Cherry. This is an early – mid-season variety with rugose potato leaves. These are an indeterminate variety which will keep producing until frost comes if you take care of them. They are a heavy producer of the 1oz (ca. 38 g) – 2oz (ca. 76 g) red cherry tomatoes. This fruit is very juicy and sweet with a nice balance. A great snacking tomato, market tomato, or for salads. Dwarf Bendigo Blush Tomato also make a great variety to use in container gardens too. We have a review of this tomato on YouTube. If you like this dwarf tomato, you may like Porter (Charles Hering) Tomato.
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