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Finocchiaro’s Ribbed Red Tomato


Finocchiaro’s Ribbed Red Tomato

This tomato is a rare heirloom that comes from Italy and dates back in the 1880s. This tomato made its way to New York in the 1900s and then to Kentucky. Where many years later they finally were found and were able to brought to the public. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. This is an indeterminate tomato plant and a monster producer of these delicious red ribbed beefsteak fruits. They are juicy but acidic in taste. An excellent tomato for canning, sauces, or as a slicer. We also have a review of Finocchiaro’s Ribbed Red Tomato on YouTube. Be sure to check out our other Canning Tomatoes we have to offer.

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Finocchiaro’s Ribbed Red Tomato

This tomato is a rare heirloom that comes from Italy and dates back in the 1880s. This tomato made its way to New York in the 1900s and then to Kentucky. Where many years later they finally were found and were able to brought to the public. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. This is an indeterminate tomato plant and a monster producer of these delicious red ribbed beefsteak fruits. They are juicy but acidic in taste. An excellent tomato for canning, sauces, or as a slicer. We also have a review of Finocchiaro’s Ribbed Red Tomato on YouTube. Be sure to check out our other Canning Tomatoes we have to offer.

Additional information

tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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