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Giant Ristra (F2) Pepper


Giant Ristra (F2) Pepper

This was a hybrid pepper we saved seeds from. There maybe some differences next year when planting. These are a mid-season pepper plant around 80 days. The plants grow to be around 2 feet tall. Since, they do not get very tall these would be great for container gardens. A very productive plant of these red peppers. The average length of these vegetables is about 7 inches. The Scoville heat rating is between 30,000 to 50,000 SHU. An excellent pepper for cooking, drying, sauces, and powders. If you like Giant Ristra (F2) Pepper, you may also like Ancho Poblano Pepper as well.

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Giant Ristra (F2) Pepper

This was a hybrid pepper we saved seeds from. There maybe some differences next year when planting. These are a mid-season pepper plant around 80 days. The plants grow to be around 2 feet tall. Since, they do not get very tall these would be great for container gardens. A very productive plant of these red peppers. The average length of these vegetables is about 7 inches. The Scoville heat rating is between 30,000 to 50,000 SHU. An excellent pepper for cooking, drying, sauces, and powders. If you like Giant Ristra (F2) Pepper, you may also like Ancho Poblano Pepper as well.

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pepper seeds

10 seeds, 20 seeds


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