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Legend Tomato


Legend Tomato
This tomato was developed by Dr. James Baggett at Oregon State University. These are an early to mid-season season plant with regular leaves. They are a determinate variety which will produce for 4 to 6 weeks. In that short period of time of producing, they yield a lot. This is a great disease resistant and crack resistant tomato. Legend Tomato has a great taste to them that blends both sweet and acidic notes. An excellent fruit that is meaty and could be used for slicing, garnishes, or to take to markets. If you like this tomato, be sure to check out Moskvich Tomato.

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Legend Tomato
This tomato was developed by Dr. James Baggett at Oregon State University. These are an early to mid-season season plant with regular leaves. They are a determinate variety which will produce for 4 to 6 weeks. In that short period of time of producing, they yield a lot. This is a great disease resistant and crack resistant tomato. Legend Tomato has a great taste to them that blends both sweet and acidic notes. An excellent fruit that is meaty and could be used for slicing, garnishes, or to take to markets. If you like this tomato, be sure to check out Moskvich Tomato.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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