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Mocross Elgin #9 Tomato


Mocross Elgin #9 Tomato

A cross done by Bill Jeffers of Indiana. Then they were stabilized by Susan Anderson of Elgin, Texas. This is a mid to late season tomato plant with regular leaves. They are a determinate variety that produce these red beefsteak tomatoes. These are very productive for 4 to 6 weeks and are a great tomato to take to markets. They have a weight range from 3oz (ca. 113 gram) to 7oz (ca. 265 gram). This is a juicy tomato with a slight acidity to them but not over powering. Mocross Elgin #9 Tomato could be used as a slicer for sandwiches and vegetable trays. We have a review of this tomato on YouTube. Another tomato you may like is Garrison Tomato.

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Mocross Elgin #9 Tomato

A cross done by Bill Jeffers of Indiana. Then they were stabilized by Susan Anderson of Elgin, Texas. This is a mid to late season tomato plant with regular leaves. They are a determinate variety that produce these red beefsteak tomatoes. These are very productive for 4 to 6 weeks and are a great tomato to take to markets. They have a weight range from 3oz (ca. 113 gram) to 7oz (ca. 265 gram). This is a juicy tomato with a slight acidity to them but not over powering. Mocross Elgin #9 Tomato could be used as a slicer for sandwiches and vegetable trays. We have a review of this tomato on YouTube. Another tomato you may like is Garrison Tomato.

Additional information

tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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