Purple Hibiscus Rose of Sharon


Purple Hibiscus Rose of Sharon

Purple Hibiscus Rose of Sharon is one of the many types of Hibiscuses. These are a shrub type perennial which can grow in the excess of 8 feet unless you keep them trimmed down. This will add great curb appeal to your yards. The flowers are 2-4 inch wide and will start blooming in July and last until September. When they hit full bloom at the peak of the season, these are absolutely beautiful, with lots of flowers everywhere. These are suitable to plant in zones 5–9. If you like this plant, be sure to check out our Diana Althea White Hibiscus.


Purple Hibiscus Rose of Sharon

Purple Hibiscus Rose of Sharon is one of the many types of Hibiscuses. These are a shrub type perennial which can grow in the excess of 8 feet unless you keep them trimmed down. This will add great curb appeal to your yards. The flowers are 2-4 inch wide and will start blooming in July and last until September. When they hit full bloom at the peak of the season, these are absolutely beautiful, with lots of flowers everywhere. These are suitable to plant in zones 5–9. If you like this plant, be sure to check out our Diana Althea White Hibiscus.