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Randy’s Amarillo Stripes Tomato


Randy’s Amarillo Stripes Tomato

The tomato cross was by the late Randy Sine of West Virginia. When we got these from Randy, they were in the F6 stage, and they are now in the f7 generation, there may be some variations. When we planted Amarillo Red Stripes Tomato this year, we found this variant that we saved seeds from. In honor of Randy, we named the variant Randy’s Amarillo Stripes Tomato. They are a mid-season variety with regular leaves. They are also an indeterminate plant that produces these small to medium-sized beefsteak fruits.  These are a darker fruit that makes a great tomato for slicing that has a sweet and fruity flavor to them like the other variant.

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Randy’s Amarillo Stripes Tomato

The tomato cross was by the late Randy Sine of West Virginia. When we got these from Randy, they were in the F6 stage, and they are now in the f7 generation, there may be some variations. When we planted Amarillo Red Stripes Tomato this year, we found this variant that we saved seeds from. In honor of Randy, we named the variant Randy’s Amarillo Stripes Tomato. They are a mid-season variety with regular leaves. They are also an indeterminate plant that produces these small to medium-sized beefsteak fruits.  These are a darker fruit that makes a great tomato for slicing that has a sweet and fruity flavor to them like the other variant.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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