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Rosedale Tomato


Rosedale Tomato

This is a rare tomato created by Bill Jeffers in Indiana. A mid-season tomato plant with potato leaf foliage. It is an indeterminate variety, so it will produce until frost time. But be sure to take care of your plants so last until that time. Plus, you want to stake them well due to the weight and the abundance of fruits this produce. A crack resistant tomato that is very juicy and meaty. They have a sweet flavor and could be used for slicing, juicing, or canned. If you like this tomato, you may like Dwarf Mahogany Tomato. Be sure to check out our review of Rosedale Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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Rosedale Tomato

This is a rare tomato created by Bill Jeffers in Indiana. A mid-season tomato plant with potato leaf foliage. It is an indeterminate variety, so it will produce until frost time. But be sure to take care of your plants so last until that time. Plus, you want to stake them well due to the weight and the abundance of fruits this produce. A crack resistant tomato that is very juicy and meaty. They have a sweet flavor and could be used for slicing, juicing, or canned. If you like this tomato, you may like Dwarf Mahogany Tomato. Be sure to check out our review of Rosedale Tomato on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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