Sweet Carneros Pink Tomato


Sweet Carneros Pink Tomato

These were developed by Brad Gates of California. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. These are an indeterminate tomato plant that produce a lot of these 2oz to 4oz striped mini beefsteak tomatoes. Plus, this tomato is crack resistant as well. The flavor of these gorgeous pink and gold striped fruits consists of both sweet combined with a tanginess. They would make a great addition to a salad, sauces, and salsas. This could also do really well at markets too. Be sure to check out our review of Sweet Carneros Pink Tomato on our YouTube Channel. If you like this tomato, you may also like Electric Pinky Dwarf Tomato.


Sweet Carneros Pink Tomato

These were developed by Brad Gates of California. A mid-season variety with regular leaves. These are an indeterminate tomato plant that produce a lot of these 2oz to 4oz striped mini beefsteak tomatoes. Plus, this tomato is crack resistant as well. The flavor of these gorgeous pink and gold striped fruits consists of both sweet combined with a tanginess. They would make a great addition to a salad, sauces, and salsas. This could also do really well at markets too. Be sure to check out our review of Sweet Carneros Pink Tomato on our YouTube Channel. If you like this tomato, you may also like Electric Pinky Dwarf Tomato.