10 varieties Of Our 2022 Peppers

10 Varieties Of Our 2022 Peppers
This blog will be about 10 varieties of peppers we have growing now to offer at the end of the 2022 growing season. Be sure to check back in the fall of 2022 to see what all varieties of peppers we will be offering. We have 40 plus different varieties growing right now, and we will be isolating these plants in our gardens to avoid cross pollination and to offer the best true quality of seeds to our customers.
Filius Blues Pepper – These gorgeous peppers are an edible ornamental pepper with heat level from 30,000 to 40,000 Scoville units. They also have an awesome deep blue color on the out skin which looks outstanding.
GRIF 9148 Pepper – A accession from Costa Rica that is long and turns brown when ripe. The Scoville units for this pepper is from 100-1200, just slightly warm.
CAP 766 Pepper – Also known as Aji Guaguano from Cuba. A hot pepper great for salsas.
Red Devil’s Tongue Pepper – A red pepper with a Scoville heat units from 300,000-500,000. This is an excellent pepper, for powders closely related to the Fatali pepper.
Carolina Reaper Pepper – This is known as the world’s hottest pepper by the Guinness Book of World Records. The Scoville heat units are over 1.5 million, the most popular super hot pepper that was developed by Smokin Ed Curry.
Sunbright Pepper – These are a bright yellow bell pepper that have no heat to them.
Purple Ufo Pepper – These are shaped like a UFO hence how this pepper got its name. A popular pepper because of the look and the heat level is mild.
Big Caramel Mama Pepper – The Scoville scale for this pepper is from 600,000 to 800,000 SHU. This was bred by Trot Pimeaux and is a very productive plant of these large pods.
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise Pepper – This is a unique pepper from Trinidad, and the reason for being unique is the pepper grows upwards. They have a Scoville rating up to 800,000 units.
Bubble Gum 7 White Pepper – A white variant that came from 7 pot bubble gum peppers. I could not find the SHU for this pepper besides it being labeled a super hot with a taste of vanilla to it.
This season, we will be offering peppers. We will be posting photos throughout our growing season on our Facebook page. Lastly, if you would like to join our Facebook Group to follow our progress, click here to join.