Hybrid Tomatoes I Grow For The Market

6 Different Hybrids I grow For The Market And Why
In this blog, we will be discussing the 6 hybrid tomatoes we grow. We will also explain the reasons we only grow these varieties of hybrid tomatoes. Let’s start off with the reasons first.
Reasons For Growing Hybrids For Markets
The reasons for growing hybrids for markets are customers are familiar with seeing red, yellow, and orange tomatoes in the grocery store and other markets. Some customers are not use to the bold and unique colors of heirloom tomatoes, and these 6 hybrids that we grow does the best for us. Other benefits for hybrids tomatoes are they are mostly disease and blight resistant, especially these 6 we grow compared to most heirlooms are not. Most of these hybrids are early producing and are very prolific. So they are first to come in and produce all season until the markets finish. We like growing these to add more variety when going to the markets because they are always producing. Also, some customers recognize the names from other farmers growing them in the past, or they bought the plants from a store before and knew what they were like.
Jetstar Tomato
Jestar Tomato – A good tomato for markets because it is red, and it is great for canning and slicing. More of a Mid-Late season fruit and is an Indeterminate. This is the only hybrid I grow that is more for canning for the markets. These lean more to the acidic side in flavor but get to be a nice size between 8-12 oz.
Lemon Boy Tomato
Lemon boy Tomato – These are a good tomato because it comes in early. These are one of the first ones that go to market, and they have a great low acidity but also sweet. Their weight can range from 8-10 oz in size and makes for an excellent slicing tomato. Also, the production of this plant is great non-stop during the season and every week I was taking these to market.
Early Girl Tomato
Early Girl Tomato – This an awesome hybrid, hence the word early being in its name. The absolute first tomato to come in for me every year to take to market or even to put on my first sandwich. They have a great balance in flavor and are an indeterminate also. They produce the whole season in abundances, you can take these to market every week to until the markets are over.
Carolina Gold Tomato
Carolina Gold Tomato – This is more of a Midseason producing tomato. They have a great balanced flavor with less acidity. These can range in weight from 12-16oz and are a great large slicer also. Another disease resistant plant that will produce up until market is over for the season.
Sungold Tomato
Sungold Tomato – This is an early, heavy yielding cherry plant. These have a nice blend of sweet and acidity for a cherry fruit. They produce all season long, and 3 plants produced pounds upon pounds to take to the markets every week until markets finished.
Sunsugar Tomato
Sunsugar Tomato – This is an early, heavy yielding orange cherry fruit. Another plant that is an indeterminate that produces pounds upon pounds weekly to take to markets. We really like these because they are really sweet in flavor compared to sugold these are really sweet.
Things To Keep In Mind Growing Hybrids For Market
A few things to keep these hybrids producing constantly for markets are. Make sure they are tied up and staked because they produce so much and some of these hybrids will grow over 6 feet (ca. 183 centimeters) in height. Next is even tho they are disease resistant, we still spray them. When we spray my other plants, the reason is it kept them healthier and will control pests because they are not pest resistant. Lastly, of course feed and water them during the season. These few extra steps will help you get the most production out of these plants for markets.